Monday, November 16, 2009

Twitter is run by a bunch of Wussies.

In case you haven't seen Fast Times at Ridgemont High, a wuss is part wimp and part pussy.

At any rate, recently the topic #nogod trended very high on twitter, the result of Retarded Reverend Run posting the oft quoted and always backhandedly hateful "No God, No Peace / Know God, Know Peace". This led to a great digital celebration by atheists, and bug-eyed/mouth-foaming rage from the christians, all spouting their typical hate speech and demanding that twitter remove the trending topic. Before too long the mountain of gaping sores that run Twitter buckled, merging the #nogod trending topic with #knowgod, so the #nogod topic was hidden.

Over this last weekend and for more than 24 hours the topic #youmightbealiberal trended in the top topics, a hashtag used by the Fox News zombie set to make a lot of vulgar and hateful comments, many of which were blatantly racist, under the guise of "political humor".

The display was altogether incredibly sad, and I found myself compelled to take some kind of action. Motivated by the fact that Twitter had just recently buckled and removed a trending topic for users almost entirely from southern USA, I decided to contact twitter. The email I sent follows:

"Recently I observed as a trending topic (#nogod) was cleverly taken off by merging it with (#knowgod) in what seemed to be an obvious attempt to placate outrage shown by christian users. I was, personally, very disappointed by this action as I felt on a whole it opened up an opportunity for possible dialogue about theology, but I understand why the trending topic was removed even if I don't agree with you. I am writing now to urge you to take action against the #youmightbealiberal trending topic and remove it from the trending list. this topic is doing nothing but propagating hatred and slander on your service (from both liberal and conservative viewpoints). I feel that if Twitter has stepped in to modify the trending topics simply to not offend a single group of people, Twitter should absolutely step in in this instance to stop this service from being utilized to spread and fuel the short-sighted and close-minded prejudices that currently divide our country at present."

Pretty great, right? I know, but thank you. Not that I expected Twitter to actually grow a pair of testicles and take action on the matter, but I did remain hopeful that some idealistic doe-eyed intern would read the message and respond with some genuine empathy. Not the case:


Thanks for your email. While I understand your frustration, Twitter is primarily a service provider rather than a content mediator. As such, we do not mediate disputes over potentially disparaging content."

Then why did you do it a week ago? Congratulations, Twitter! Congratulations on your complete fucking lack of a spine.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, you used 'currently' and 'at present' in the same sentence. No wonder it failed.

    But seriously, that's fucked up. I hope you sent another email back to them, ripping a new asshole about doing something last week, and turning around to say they don't do it the next. 'Disparaging content' aside, that's just fucking stupid, and blatant disregard for honesty.
